Tuesday, September 25, 2012

For out 43 wedding anniversary my husband and I went and had our picture taken to use on our mission application. I ask our seven children to vote on the three pictures we liked best. The overwhelming consensus was not my choice but here is its.
In the evening we went out to eat at Lark Creek Restaurant. It was a gift to Terry when he retired from Del Monte. I had Wild Sockeye Salmon and Terry had Filet Mignon. It was a very fun evening.
Terry sent me this text for our anniversary. "Happy anniversary, forty three years of amazing wonderful joy and experiences together. I am filled with happy memories and great expectation every time I think you accepted my proposal in our youth. I love more deeply than I ever knew was possible." We had an amazing 43 years together and it just gets better.
Here are some pictures of my 2012 K-2 intensive class spring science project. Eleven of our twelve eggs flown from Arizona from my granddaughter hatched. We have usually had from 3 to 8 eggs hatch. You can see the six bantys (they are smaller) and five full size chicks.
I brought three chicks home. Two Sebright bantys and one that I hoped was a hen and Americana so that it might lay colored eggs. It sill appears to possibly be a hen but is probably a cross from the Buff Orrington/Americana. Time will tell.
They are my friends. They love to get out of their cage when I am in the yard working. The Sebight chicks is a good flyers so I have to clip some of the flight feathers on one wing to keep it in the yard.
One of the Sebright chicks drove back to Arizona with my granddaughter. I have enjoyed the other two pets. They will soon be laying eggs not crowing, I hope.