Monday, October 29, 2018

Week 26 October 22- 28

 Fall has arrived in Utah, even at Walmart.
The little bit of frost we had earlier has bought out the beautiful fall colors.  I love this time of year.
The sun lighting on the Salt Lake City temple as Elder Koberstein and I went shopping for wedding gifts for Brandon on Friday afternoon.
Friday evening our MTC social group decorated sugar cookies and visited.  It was fun to catch up on what is happenings of each member of our group as they work in different parts of our mission. 
Saturday morning Elder Koberstein and I took an eleven mile bike ride on the Legacy bike trail.  I love the horses we passed by on the ride.
We attended the BYU game in Provo against the Northern Illinois University.  It was a good game but could have been better if we had won, score 6 to 7.   We then drove over to see the new paint job on our Orem duplex.  
After looking at our duplex, we had time to drive by the Timpanogus Temple in American Fork before going to the wedding reception for BB.  It was getting dark when we arrived but we still got a fairly good picture of the temple with lights on it.
We then attended the wedding reception for BB and AP.  The B1 floor combined and bought a gift for the newlyweds.  Elder Koberstein and I were able to bring the gift to the reception.  Our group bought them a "Family Tree" wall hanging, a "Charter Club Damask Designs Comforter Set" from their Macy's gift registry plus the extra change.  It made a nice ending to a fun p-day.

And now, my beloved brethren, I perceive that ye ponder still in your hearts; and it grieveth me that I must speak concerning this thing.  For if ye would hearkened unto the Spirit which teacheth a man to pray, ye would know that ye must pray; for the evil spirit teacheth not a man to pray, but teacheth him that he must not pray.  2 Nephi 32:8

1 comment:

Lynn said...

I miss the fall colors. Nice picture of you with the dragon. :)