Monday, April 8, 2019

Week 49 - April 1-7

For my birthday Elder Koberstein took me to dinner at Roof Restaurant in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building.  We were not successful at getting the flash to work on my camera thus we are in silhouette.  It was a wonderful evening with just my special companion.  We enjoyed good food and a beautiful view of temple square from ten stories up.
We then finished walking through the art exhibit at the Church History Museum.  I took pictures of some of my favorite exhibits.  This one is titled "Mercy's Embrace" by Ann Henrie Nader from Washington.  The art's says Christ cares for us equally.  He is depicted holding two different sheep, representing the variety of God's children.
This picture is the "Three Women at the Tomb" by Robert Barrett of Utah.  Women played a central role in the life of Christ as disciples who bore witness of His divinity.
This picture by Howard Lyon of Utah is titled "Consecration."  It is of the widow's small offering of a farthing, Mark 12:43-44.
This is a graphite pencil on rag paper by James Shelley from Utah.  It is titled "Refuge from the Storm."  It is a visual representation of the physical protection that the temple offers. 
"Pondering God's Promise" painted by Vander Veur Matz of Utah.  The information about the painting says "While God said He would multiply the seed of Abraham and Sarah 'as the stars of the heaven' (Genesis 22:17), they were ask to wait beyond hope, for the promise to be realized." 
"Roots" by Jillian Damstedt Shaw from Washington is the artist of this copper foil stained glass piece of art.  It depicts five trees from the scriptures (tree of life, tree of knowledge, olive tree, sapling-Alma faith grows from a tiny seed), Sacred Grove).
"Let Us Walk In The Light?" by Mary Z. Hutchings from Utah.  This picture "...was created using raw edge and reverse raw edge applique techniques and thousands of freehand-cut pieces of back fabric."  The subject is the Sacred Grove.
"Opaque Destiny" by David Malan from Utah depicts "a women and her daughter stand at the edge of the daunting frontier."  
"Living Water" by Justine Louise Peterson of Utah is of the Samaritan woman at Jacobs well.
This piece reminded us of our grandson.  It is something he would do.  It is called "Resonate" by Doug Adams of Idaho.  The artist says, "Bells have been used for centuries to warn of danger, call villages and hamlets to meeting, and to create peaceful meditative influences through their calming and resonant tones...The tree of life pattern can 'remind us of our heavenly home and our earthly mission.  The round stones reminded me of the large round stone closed after the Savior's Crucifixion and opened for His resurrection and Ascension to our Father in Heaven.  The ivy-embellished uprights remind me of the Garden of Gethsemane...."
"Good Samaritan" by Lynde Ann Mott from Utah.  A beautiful Lone Star quilt also depicted in the oil painting.
"The day runs after the Night" by La Famiils Flouffe.  Heavenly Fathers work is all around us even in the simplest of things and the grandest. 
  "What is a Seed but Sunlight Sent Into the Future?" by Alisha Marie Anderson.  "These photographed sees, appearing as stars come from the cones of the Utah Juniper and are arranged according to the stars that appeared in the early-spring sky in Palmyra, New York, 1820."
"Zapa Stele 5" by Paul D. Yates of Utah.  A Replica of the Aztec stone carving Zapa Stela 5 or the "Tree of Life" stone, dating approximately between 300 BC and AD 50.  It is made of cut wood glued to backer-board.
New zone leaders were assigned this week.  Elder Koberstein and I have spent the week training them.  I took this picture just before the change was made.
Elder Koberstein in the zone leader office on B1 or the International Floor.
Friday was our temple research day.  Elder Koberstein and I decided to do a sealing session in the last of the seventeen Utah temple.  The Draper Utah Temple was the twelfth temple dedicated in Utah.  It is built on a natural bluff with a 180 degree view of the entire Salt Lake Valley.  Both the Jordan River and Qquirrh Mountain Temples are visible from the grounds.  

We hope and pray that each member's home will become a true sanctuary of faith, where the spirit of the Lord can dwell.  Despite contention all around us, one's home can become a heavenly place, where study, prayer and faith can be merge with love. -President Russell M Nelson

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